
Nsdata writing options


nsdata writing options

I believe that this method was changed since the making of the video. If anyone is having trouble try this:. Bedankt Jeroen, your code worked for me! I writing trying to make it work in Swift 2. Pasan OptionsWhat is the correct way of using the NSData. I've used Dana's code suggestion and the original suggested in the video but neither of them are working for me. With Dana's code suggestion it is asking for separators to which options is no resolution. This works since the return value of forecastURL is an optional, we need to implicitly unwrapped it. Jeroen de Vrind could you please help me with the Build a Simple Weather App project in Swift 2 and Xcode 7? Do you have the source somewhere or could you help me with the Xcode project. I fixed it for you. Then it throws an error: I would download the newest release 6. This is an ongoing effort.! These changes replace T! If you encounter a method for which the return value is incorrectly considered non-nullable, or a property that is incorrectly considered non-nullable, you can work around the problem by immediately wrapping the result in an optional:. Please be sure to file a bug about these cases. Please do not file feature requests about Writing that are still marked as T!. We know about them. Hi all, I too am using Xcode 6. The give the same errors mentioned by Dana above:. I still have Xcode v6. I'm assuming Apple has changed the way Swift accesses class methods for Writing, but nsdata anyone has a canonical explanation of what's happening here, I'd love to hear it. I just posted some code that compiles correctly under the Questions section of this video. Given that Swift has changed quite a bit, the code in options video will not work until it gets updated by the Treehouse team. My code compiles and at least will let you move forward with the course until they get a chance to rework the material. Did anyone find the answer to this issue? I am having the same problem THis is what I am entering Had the same issue when using the syntax in the video. I am running XCode 6. I found the following code takes care of all the errors. That said, I'm still confused on the optional. I have no explicit optional declaration anywhere in my code. In playing with NSURL's various methods, I ran into the need to unwrap its absoluteString method. Has something about NSURL changed that it is now returning an optional? Posting to the forum is only allowed for members with active accounts. Please writing in or sign up to options. I forgot my password. Watch Video iOS Build a Weather App with Swift Retired Pulling Data From the Web Making a Network Call. Dana Griffin 5, Points. Posted September 18, 5: If anyone is nsdata trouble try this: Roberta Voulon 5, Points. Nsdata Voulon Writing Voulon 5, Points. Cody McClintock 7, Points. Cody McClintock Cody McClintock 7, Points. I currently am using Version 6. Did anyone else figure this out? Nsdata Graves Pro Student 1, Points. Cavin Graves Cavin Graves Pro Student 1, Points. Jeroen de Vrind writing, Points. Jeroen de Vrind Jeroen de Vrind 22, Points. If you're willing to update Askin Akhan Points. Askin Akhan Askin Akhan Points. Hi guys, I've used Dana's code suggestion nsdata the original suggested in the video but neither of them are working for me. Luis Matute 1, Points. Luis Matute Nsdata Matute 1, Points. Levi Lais 5, Points. Levi Lais Levi Lais 5, Points. This is my code and it's returning nil: Sebastian Nitu 7, Points. Sebastian Nitu Sebastian Nitu 7, Points. Erik Holmbom 2, Points. Erik Holmbom Erik Holmbom 2, Points. This is what I Have Stone Preston writing, Points. Stone Preston Stone Preston 41, Points. I options able to call the method just fine using: Dana Griffin Dana Griffin 5, Points. Firstly, it wants me to unwrap forecastURL with a bang. Im using Writing 6. I kinda new to reading documentation, but do you think this has something nsdata do with it?: New in Xcode 6. If you encounter a method for which the return value is incorrectly considered non-nullable, or a property that is incorrectly considered non-nullable, you can work around the problem by immediately wrapping the result in an optional: Regardless, I am currently downloading the GM so I can conform to the videos. Nick Barnes 7, Points. Nick Barnes Nick Barnes 7, Points. The options the same errors mentioned by Dana above: Tom Elders 1, Points. Tom Elders Nsdata Elders 1, Points. Jake Johnson 3, Points. Jake Johnson Jake Johnson 3, Points. I have tried most of what you have mentioned. That was it, it is working now. I appreciate your options as well!!! Jason Jones 5, Points. Jason Jones Jason Jones 5, Points. Michael Reining 10, Points. Michael Reining Michael Reining 10, Points. The following syntax is working for me: Our writing is to bring affordable, technology education to nsdata everywhere, in order to help them options their dreams and change options world. nsdata writing options

Why we should avoid buying options [Hindi]

Why we should avoid buying options [Hindi]

3 thoughts on “Nsdata writing options”

  1. Alexey100 says:

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  2. agcentory240 says:

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  3. airtpcv says:

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